One Paseo
Hours today

10am – 8pm


Transportation Demand Management (TDM)

In October 2015 the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) adopted San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan.

Key strategies include the following:

  • Mixed land uses in city neighborhoods
  • Improved access to transit and transit facilities
  • Improved access to recreational facilities such as parks, plazas and open spaces
  • Improved access to full-service grocery stores
  • Accessible, pedestrian-friendly streets with high connectivity, traffic calming, landscaping and public amenities
  • Facilitate biking for transportation and recreation through bicycle networks and infrastructure

The overall design and project goals incorporated into the New One Paseo project achieve these fundamental strategies.

“When TDM supporting amenities are provided within developments, it becomes much easier for tenants to change their transportation choice. For example, when office buildings offer showers and secure bike parking they will see an increase in walking and biking. Carpooling and vanpooling increase when priority parking spaces are set aside for HOVs.”

– SANDAG 2050 Regional Transportation Plan adopted October 28, 2011

Goals and Objectives

  • Reduce peak hour congestion.
  • Provide for a balanced approach to mobility.
  • Enhance safety and convenience for vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
  • Reduce parking demand.
  • Maximize the functionality of current and future parking supply.
  • Execute sustainability practices detailed in LEED for Neighborhood Development.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Support Kilroy Realty Corporation’s sustainability program.
  • Facilitate a coordinated transportation approach with the overall neighborhood.

Integrating Transportation Demand Management into the Project


  • Ridesharing, Preferential Carpool Parking and Parking Strategies.
  • Parking cash-out incentives (Cash incentive in lieu of free parking for choosing not to drive to
    work alone).
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle connections and circulation Improvements.
  • Cycling storage and amenities.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.
  • Shuttle Program to the Solana Beach Coaster station.
  • Transportation Coordinator/TDM Sustainability Coordinator.
  • Tenant/Resident/Staff best practices education such as staggered work hours.
  • Public Transit Enhancements for the future.
  • Carsharing/Bikesharing promotions.
  • Trip Reduction Membership Program.

Ridesharing, Preferential Carpool Parking and Parking Strategies

Carpool preferential parking will be offered on-site in a variety of locations throughout the development.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation Improvements

Blocks need to be walkable in length and organized into a fine-grained pattern for an increased sense of location and direction. Pedestrian-friendly blocks typically range somewhere between 300 and 600 feet, with longer blocks broken by paseos. One Paseo is broken up into several small segments to create a multi-functional walkable environment.

As an alternative to the automobile, a well-planned bicycle network can promote a low-cost, quiet, non-polluting, and healthy mode of transportation. The project is designed to connect on-site bicycle routes to the existing community bicycle network of at least 5 continuous miles in length within ¼ mile bicycling distance of the project boundary. Wayfinding signage with direction on how to bike to the nearest transit or shuttle stop and bike trail linkages should be installed.

Bicycle Parking

Bicycle parking will be fully accessible and convenient. Primary bicycle parking areas will be concentrated along major building entrances, and public plazas. Amenities include showers and lockers in office buildings for employees who bike, walk or run to work.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Electric charging stations will be a part of the long-range parking strategy for the project; while Electric Vehicle Charging Stations are not a direct TDM measure, they do assist in supporting the project’s overall sustainability goals.

Shuttle Program

Initial implementation of the shuttle program will include convenient shuttles running during midday intervals to provide mobility options to the Employment Center in Carmel Valley (e.g. High Bluff Drive and El Camino Real).

The shuttle will include an am/pm peak time and a lunch time route that would generally run from the project site to the Solana Beach Coaster Station. The frequency of operation and the route will be evaluated periodically to gauge the benefit of ridership. The shuttle will have the ability to transport bycicles.

Parking Cash-out

Encourage employers (through education and leasing agreements) to provide a “parking cash-out” option to employees who do not drive. Financial incentives for ridesharing are currently available to reduce costs through the SANDAG commute program, and employers are allowed to offer payroll tax savings for transportation assistance.

Transportation Coordinator

The Coordinator will provide the following services with overall goal to reduce SOV trips during peak hours:

  • Provide marketing and outreach for all TDM programs including presentations to tenants, staff and community members at large.
    • Create flyers
    • Letters to employees
  • Act as the primary point of contact for residents, employees and tenants, and patrons of New One Paseo wanting to travel using an alternative mode.


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